How To Make Business Travel Less Lonely

Business Traveller looking out of hotel room window

As its mental health awareness week, we would like to address the fact that sometimes business travel can be lonely. When you’re travelling on business, often you’re leaving family, friends and routine to cross the globe in benefit of your employer and career. So, what if you could make the whole experience a bit, well “less lonely”?

Here are some tips from the Mental Health Foundation, which we’ve placed into a business trip scenario:

Try to do some enjoyable things that will keep you busy

Engaging in a hobby that is non-digital can improve your wellbeing and provide a welcome break from the screen when you’re out and about. Consider knitting, reading, listening to music or meditation. By incorporating this into your transit and travel you can feel like you’re making better use of your time; whilst waiting at check-in, security or boarding.

Try to do things that stimulate your mind

It’s important not to fall into a robot routine of getting from A to B. Flexing your brain can support healthy outlooks and improved moods. So, why not try listening to podcasts, catching up with the news headlines or challenging yourself with word puzzles and games?

Think about doing a physical activity

Most business hotels now offer a range of gyms, pools and fitness classes. Additionally, spa facilities can help alleviate any tension or discomfort associated with travelling. When it comes to long-haul flights, a simple walk down the aisle at regular intervals can support both your mental and physical health, with the added bonus of a change of scenery.

Try to engage with the people you meet in your daily life

Travel staff are naturally friendly, welcoming and ready to go above and beyond to ensure your experience is personal. Beyond that, airlines often have concierge individuals who can personally welcome you, assist with your transition and advise on any travel changes or updates. Equally, a chauffeur, VIP meet & greet or a regular hotel can all add comforting familiarity to your trips.

Find people that ‘get you’

You’re not the only business traveller out there. And while you may not feel at home in the main concourse surrounded by families off on their holidays, a business lounge can be a very comforting place. With power outlets, shower facilities and food and beverage offerings, these places are tailormade for you and your fellow business traveller colleagues.

Spend time with pets

Have you thought about taking your pet with you? Great news – aviation rules in Australia and the US for example allow airlines to decide whether to carry animals in aircraft cabins. So, it’s worth checking your airline policy before travel and maybe Roofus came come along. In addition, many hotels and businesses are now pet friendly. However, if you do have to leave them at home, there are ways to check in with your furry friends – interactive cameras allow you to see, talk and even toss treats to your pet from anywhere.

Try to use social media in a positive way

There are multiple occasions throughout a business trip where 5 minutes feels like the perfect opportunity to check your social feeds. But bear in mind how these make you feel. Are you sad not be with your family or missing a night out with friends?

Physical social interaction is a proven positive for mental health, but social media can have the opposite effect. Instead, consider reducing your time on social. Think about engaging with those communities that make you feel good, where you share interests such as photography, baking or cycling.

Talking therapies can help

Indeed, seeking professional help can be of real benefit. But before you get to that stage, consider how you are travelling for business. Could it be made less lonely by simply travelling with a colleague? Or maybe it’s worth asking about ancillary services that could provide more comfort and ease to the overall experience – chauffeurs, Meet & Greet, airport lounges, airline upgrades, hotels with facilities…

At MIDAS Travel, our travellers are at the heart of what we do. We will support you and your business to make travelling comfortable, safe and much less lonely.

If you would like to speak to a member of the team about our ancillary offers, then please get in touch.


Mental Health in Business Travel: 20-24 Sept

For any enquiries or advice, please get in touch.
